Men with heart risks experience a quicker decline in brain health compared to women.

Men with heart risks experience a quicker decline in brain health compared to women.


Brains of men face decline in their mid-50s while women brains are most likely to start declining from their mid-60s

A new study has found that men with heart risks experience a faster decline in brain health compared to women with similar heart health risks.

Research published in the Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry indicates that men’s brains begin to deteriorate as early as their mid-50s, while women’s brain health is more likely to decline in their mid-60s and beyond.

“These results suggest that addressing cardiovascular risk is crucial for preventing Alzheimer’s disease, and that this should be done a decade earlier in men than in women,” said Paul Edison, the lead researcher, as quoted by UPI.

The study noted that risk factors for heart diseases like Type 2 diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and smoking have been linked to a higher risk of dementia. However, it was unclear when these heart risks start to affect brain health and if there are differences between men and women.

The researchers analyzed data from nearly 34,500 participants in the UK Biobank and used brain scans to track changes over time. They also assessed participants’ heart disease risks using recorded health data.

The findings showed that heart risk factors, such as obesity and high belly fat, led to a gradual loss of brain volume over decades for both genders. However, for men, these effects began between ages 55 and 74, while women showed signs of decline between 65 and 74.

The study further noted that men seem to be at greater risk than women.

“Modifiable cardiovascular risk factors, including obesity, should receive special attention in the treatment and prevention of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease,” the researchers stated.

“This emphasizes the importance of aggressively targeting cardiovascular risk factors before the age of 55 to prevent neurodegeneration and Alzheimer’s disease, in addition to reducing the risk of other cardiovascular events such as heart attacks and strokes,” t

Source : Geo News

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